i honestly can't believe i'm posting this onto the internet. tis funny tho LMAO today reagan & i saw a tik tok of three girls trying to chug a full bottle of sprite without burping & we wanted to try it ourselves. pls enjoy this video of us attempting the tik tok challenge of chugging a full bottle of sprite without burping INSTA @skzzolo www.instagram.com/skzzolo/ let’s collab! skpalazzolo04@gmail.com links & codes: earth hero: https://earthhero.com?ref=sammyk code SAMMYK for 10% off dropps: dropps.pxf.io/sammyk code SAMMYK25 for 25% off simply straws: https://simplystraws.com/?ref=SAMANTHAPALAZZO code SAMMYK for 10% off public goods: https://link.publicgoods.com/sammy-k code PG-SAMMYK for 15% off your first order DO IT 444 THE STORY xoxo, sammy k